Three Women by Pablo Picasso, Oil on canvas; 200 x 185 cm. This is one of the most important of Picasso's Cubist works. He made about seventy sketches and rough drafts for it.
Autobiographical on the first few paragraphs but fictional nonetheless. The poet tries her skill on short story. So, the rest is purely fictional but the literary critic herself states this is also mostly psychological. Grins, Beams and Smiles. = )
Almost two decades (sixteen years ago to be exact) have passed by quickly. Days of grueling Math home works, T.H.E. trying to unleash the creative side of high school students, classes divided by walls that can be parted when needed, you have your own peer groups or "barkada." (Yes, I do have my barkada back then). Ours was the most diverse, I think. We were five in the group. Two were kinda boyish and the rest of us were classy damsels in the making. Sigh. Years I will never forget.
Well, to cut it short I was closer to the two like-minded girls. We remained friends even when we took different courses in college.
Last week we found time to have our group date. It was fun talking about what happened in each other's lives while having a delightful snack in our favorite cake house. Dana who was a beauty queen way back in college turned out to be a happy stage actress. She was the most friendly and sociable among the three of us. While Christine is a top executive of a prestigious marketing agency and my world revolves around charitable organizations I pioneered. We are still blessed singles.
Since I am the listener in the group what I am about to share might appear bias and subjective. I know batch 1995 comprise of independent singles and proud mothers in their respective budding families. I have a feeling majority of us are still singles. (Probably because we came from the only exclusive girl high school). That I have to prove. Hmmm, survey?!!!)
And when you belong to the female species and still single by late 20's and early 30's, guard yourself against the downpour of ridicule and "parinig" or side comments of the Filipino culture. (But that's another topic).
Anyway, back to the pretty damsels. Our topic revolved around Christine, who despite her being an executive is dumb when it comes to the heart department. (Look who's talking . . . hehe). Dana, who always attracts bees because of her amiable aura and enchanting personality kept telling Christine to detach herself from a close guy friend. "Stop agonizing yourself, will you?" an exasperated Dana blurted out. "Enjoy life. Go out and have fun! Don't just live within the four corners of your office on that gargantuan building where you work," the well-travelled stage actress said. "Well, I can't help it. What were those thoughtful notes he always left at my desk, those times of knowing glances, the days we were buddies on seminars . . ." "Let me point out to you he's exclusively dating someone that would eventually lead to a committed relationship." "But he still can find the time to ask how I am?" "That's a sign that he is just an amusing selfish charmer. Add to that he's a chronic liar. You do still hate dishonest guys, right?" "Well, ummm . . . but those are only white lies. I'm not perfect either. Even if I say I'm a very honest person. Somehow I've told little white lies myself." "Very true, we're only humans - infallible," the quietest said. " 'tin, are you hearing yourself? When a guy raises your hope basically because he's just showing his amore for you, do you analyze his efforts? Was he faking his actions and finally when he's on the verge of declaring his love for you, does he look you in the eye?," the carefree feminist asked. "Since when did you become such an expert on this topic?," gasped an enlightened gleaming Christine (but sounding more like she's on the brink of losing her temper with Dana). You see Dana eventhough a lot courted her haven't had a long-term relationship with any guy. She's just such a strongly opinionated feminist, the "Queen of Sweeping Generalizations." "What I'm trying to say is let him chase and pursue you. Show subtle hints but never ever be the one to proclaim your deep feelings." "Well, Dana they're both rational types. They tend to reason with love. When it comes to matters of the heart you don't rule your mind over it," the thinker uttered. "Oh dear, since when have you become a disillusioned dreamer?," the surprised melodic engaging voice of the actress asked. "I have my fair share of unreciprocated loves, that's all," I stated. "My dear girlfriends it looks like we're having a heated conversation here. How about if we attend a culinary workshop for baking since we are all fond of cakes and pastries," the calm and collected said. "Wow! That sounds a nice idea," the leader mumbled. "And maybe we could meet every Saturday or Sunday and attend a LSS," the energetic performer ranted. "We could also form our own "Give-Back-Love-Grateful-for-Everything" group to our community," I chided.
P.S. Forgive me my dear "barkada" in High School. I borrowed a part of our younger lives. Who's the writer in here, anyway? Smiles. = )